Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON: Mary Ann Shadd Cary (October 9, 1823 – June 5, 1893)), July 12, 1856, p. 3 (2024)

fe- lb m eorrts j t tfc m fet uit4 18 c f 0 10 i 4 0 a 0 it 3 0 i iijds hj tiers iuiki- nrwlr tt -na- ana oa ben op c fnt 7 sj-r-v-jr- ii h fjrfwilj rt v i s5b nhbil 0 ssiimsm fyatltabppkr ii jiimmg arraatd and revleared by rsrja a t fowbt e mtraswa free wbicb m binirr la canada w sbew ven la siavtry tiy ihe american l pub- ion rii i i rtt tkanuft n tfy alts awulpfaaclilg w oarlri jtitthflfrriestocof w9pting g- pod itytbptla- lids btrket by a0nl0mfiry co woriilriotfto bbooke a zdobitoomeht msmmm g-jj- 1 m pl wfilsorrs stojb atmutr f kmrsnd fifa ftreeu and ad- joi hmxiius v i n m tbe raamb8l iow compwe s va r wo u il it isudck ifirw a ftrt iu j jranj sre turn crn cu- qliwftiiigtafitotw-vfe- v moef cradlet iiia3 oil tow ind bolltd ull- evrf iiitlai stwietli all of whieli ffsrp peab m ill nelson a4lmsrinheriiliateiihloim otejteylpinjnilfltiktia sbaltb ovn to thelrcailomert la all the d- p uf 8aplb and fancy mx ods groceries liquors bar block is now in sn- rate trim and wr can show ihe handkmett the most q pntplete 8uck erer bronghx lain this tru ii it oar dyemtbatlqaihat apt i shall 1 ijfisv- a-ffa- tlih ir3 -tf- masiiootcatbb btving ree vrd his iatifw -rod- fa prepared to offer to iftemmwithe bsmoh3tcmkvpestatf d- be9t ajs6lltast0p ilftmiwjivia -3b- y kictl ilhsm at rrrieauoreuiij aailnlnc in pin a follows vir iron and mhllkil bljclcmillia bllav anvils ljhrtplaievdisu4 tiarpnierstihlh aoi ih njii ot all kinjs and sizes ffaadm bivee sco fshriftrfoi fcs garden xkm hay ktkfli scyihc siaih brush si gini ol all kinds hirrow teeth frwg pjasiil pamw puhi chain rrtis- p anl kettles j t tnn aid tinsmith tool saddlers hard ware faiaet6ck biiit srrmrs hins of all kilts knive-forlc- and spoon of every 4pwlpttaa mrashesof all kinds i muulv mill saws clrealbiwcriiurtnl iiit saws files afitii oils ani colo us rjllmler ihielwlifftie joo laaihemasito m-n- itsa he whl alsoiu a few days have a larje tjsaaiiiy mt- machinr belting id fi jrlh ah of which ne will sell at prices iai cvii 1 ihimi a currie utlmcl d r vu alls kin street slham oi w w1iajun- 13th 1856 fim cottwioe aezokavf doatasti tit sale fs prii- j ealr aanly lo d leonard at the aftcaef j b williams eq iilll i rankins bulldioj joaehis6 0j i ii t m sterritt juim rrvofue tx33 sai asie3 mprimt sm turns stmt rimtltimiujae town ffall s tolieiis the patronage of jql rat lsdies if rai aad vldniiy tbey attftfand execuie ike orders of thoe who itfmr tkaa with a call with msumss and ot the laiesl nstten for lidies tts hikua asc- 4- miflv tf j rdrr u- ur jit wanted mi liiagwi ni u customers taii at- 8 store flpw pqb8ckiber in retaralnav thanks lor p tie ftrjr mbwal patronajt already enjoyed j mtwhtnmmt i fliuffm we- motl complete aaaoct- 1caeede wt and a he parchaws ttdfatad do in 00 loiuoce sell on jif jijbnt ia diiposeqf bi r hit an cab be sold at any karat bsyiof or selliot at six taoollu or mwi w i i afftnfahrivalsof g0fjv3bir jcimd ttrmsm lata a 1 kmktk aw mni aoati- mwcbittes of m kinds yviware and putty ipirftt3fywir wa5k rltf iw d ft id clorar bi ntir mffifclnnmfx clmprodugeonl y v t c 38- lsirslbbol jpbtuot slaytih iwdwci r alloalhat yir prlcaashllbe ixtftmely ww aad ir w trieifiohj tbe country and townwiji bear in mind that there is jwiwwtitwin bjhjwij lflu- no doubt onr store will be crowded by those wishing to male tfcwwtetwffc ball i we advise an early call mw wo come first will jet ihefirtt barjainsli c montgomery co oppot tlu rayal exchange juno stchith am c w chttlsmay ad iltta- ly- kojgjyschith b bat bnurht brtilisaskitr otlta brotlur jhcitr where he has opened wha aa oarltalw assortmentot irlil ad0x3shqa htt awe h w k o o htnd a l hoek ocbia ownllanuttctare of erery deterlpfion measurt wiu bo ukeo and worki tstrllrbfliafl- wbl kakept in endless varieties aad of tha latts finhlonawo siyevls boou gaihr biufcimys3iott- siippera french ties fyc hstfor a ikoroort and practical knowledge of v business he feeb prepared to render tatulat- bnto all wbpasayjatoejilm with a call w9wjyx jtaatdnp nfcunf lopnrdtase u w boleiie will find i c their advaniaju to call ss he ctsopplylhtm hcapcr ihin any tithrr etlum ma pan jtlberotld4e bbawngdoiirirtuimalest airirassbateh- tar calfatcoamnurs ecoaiatrte fostrour doors below the rcfol ttxchafe bmi kim si c bl chiluty oau-a- mac- 7u ism i citflits j teifir wobldwmctfitlly aanoqace to utjsa- mtrbtuacwonwri ait tha hlc fe- rally that b b bnurbi ool the xuhrae fr ttsrustell rr oik fhousisdibm of 8kkt mosic nwt maytt it ilfabu mwbbttmijmc hall two doomkux or rat tott ornct thki 5b5jpnjactaa jiaatj- l t hin e1e grawt anxotaliv 0 j ov years rsitu bdiltl la mtj vrtjar it torn tl lott mt ck b o n 02 tbb xt so r ti mjm 1 vn rar xr as a rimtstuajk ob 3d 00 a it tltt harps guitars tamhorines banjos flutes fifes pkauos flageolets clarionelts violin and guitar strings music hoofts note books mttsk paper sheet mask cllyttalatyfrft smj 1 j aimms7p8so splendid ambrotypessre now being taken at btcewitb- gallwy for delicacy nfshsdetone and brilliancy they are oncqnalled byanyother aiyle to be appreciated ihey mast be seen snd he cordially rvitcs ihe public to an examinaiion of them at his rooms ia mrs smliha block kin street these beautifal impressions are taken in about onetilth ofl time required lo produce a da- enolvpeheoc iu superiority in celling the iken uses of children thsy can beiaken equally as well la cloudy as in clear weather prices same as for daguerreotypes call on beckwiih aad get one none bot ihe very best pictures will be per mitted to be taken from his itoims iy tjifueriiorypoi taken as usual cha rum 85th april 1656 9-if- jvjtbmitmm ivivtrd jefferson davi8 in eampany with hi bralhen moses slid lewis led london caunty v irglnh afcoot eleven tears ago in eareh nf freed but on their way they was attacked by lireeater r at which time a bn- tlebned rwulllng in the esplore nf jcflerson while the other two moses aad lewis efleeled tmrcicspe butaincc jefllrson has parehased blratelfand came to canada any one knowing any of the above ncmed persons will receive a reward of ss by matting ihe same known lo ihe krr h j yoang elder of the m e church chatham c w chmhsm may3ndlg 3 v jvertlsem*ni noll ahbricah tract sojcty sulvbrt for a very complete exposure of ihesinfrjl and unchrimian coune of ihe american iract society and iu direct slavery procliviiies in its managenienirxpungingsin its publications c and of the conduct of tbe re nehemlah adams congregati ooalisi pne of is manager nf sonihsidevlew notoriety see ibe new yorktrawof saturday april mb i85g 1 have been advised of the reliableness of the siai laentstkereio made inthe laiefemicnt of new yark repealed pruots agsiostaaid society lo a greater silent have appeared st various limes irom january i8j5 lo april 10 itsfi what book nr tract asainst slavery and iu syaiem have you published and is yon r circulation ufihe bihlelo every person bond or free rwotbrih tonchmeqnel ionask tihe- tiesand let proof be given as the public i as been already aeeeived ia ctnijda sa fret ityhio monev support or fraiernal fcum- nr should be exitpdcti in lbs upholding of pro- slavery institutions and ocletle parte names ot all proslavery societies i tier ton abolition society t8 beekman si reel jew york rev wooodell it is expected a m urii arlu mob be publlsbedu canada j j k linton liatfowlc aprt 17 18m nptice the annual conferfnce of ihe british zioo wesleyan chartb will teel in ambers iburg op ibe first saluiday in july ihm all ibe ministers othe eonneriioo are n qncshxl lo atlend siraoge milliners or others ar respectfully invited to alien j w jo e8 sec tary cbatbtm march llih 1856 a important to b onikep- i offer for sale 35 different recipes for 1 many af which bare be sold th past year lor si a piece no houseiceeperwiir grudge 81 tar a f rkose recipes alone after irving it ouee address wm brums poini pltasant pa aad tbawhole number recipes will be forward- dbyaail villa mansion m akcaas karu- a by rad mrs reyno have porebasc4 and are now ibe kesmeuls ana active froprleun of ibe pleasant and commctoui mansion on tbe corner of kin and william treats having refined tbe ho ii a oral and clegaat naaaer tkey uvc given it tiu permanent name of lb t3jxa jtasasr where they- will be pleated lo receive and accom modate jfl gesdand respectable perains of any race and paebw lespecuuile perauos need ap ply at this house as the strictest dsporlnunl is re quired la all of its depaiimenu tar aaixe ent uyery stable it a pan of the attack of ibismsmfum where ibe uliiaent boarders and strangers generally can be accomoiodaied un tbt sborlcsl notice with good horscraad fine vebiclrt a5iirieb mk asalu d saidd haastiloh w euiio kent county c w messrs baooic i sttaairr pa m r daurit cha ass c w cbatliaimarch9ttl5 45tf 0 ji ij s 1 3 f harrison mfio 10 al no t i o b ti oolix resneolfolly announce tothecltf- w xensoflhlsvteldily tbstbehas p qflq ia olu where jfs predtoiited tothe tb1tiiiit of ibiuu 01 iu iobs- gvopiiisnbt pnlyto mtrtjitsmk nqjtt8 hmassc tn hu praeliee does not confine himself lo anr prtieafir tvstem bnt makes free use of all such uni as he finds available in the treatment of die from whatever school of meofcins it may hvi dlstinctlyonderstood bat he fc dlrec llvopposed to e use of certain agents men as merearyarsenic antimony 4c m the poi- nioasfbris in which tbey hsve been and still are being administered by roanyphyslcians special attention wihblnn to disease of-e- chronic characier and to dikases of children no charge made for consultation at bl office at wbicb lime he will give all idformaion in his power at to the natnre of the cases presenting slvesnd inexpianatlon ol thetationalaut his mod oxtrcstment cbtth march 7th 185c ji tavern stand olirnof0l8an rrhe subscriber offfrs fcr sale th- jl tavern stand in chatham north irnown as the bqaldiiaild bbi8i 1 heing lot 9 and pari of 101 th hon is a large two story brick and in oodcpirwiukiflen and wibi chodl in every reaprtt well lw a hotel there is on the premises a new bain jy person wishing to procure a suad for a poblic house could not do belter ts hie house is siioated near ihe lerminos of ihe chaiham anrt camden plank road the travel over whcn alone secures a good run of custom the proprktor would say to intending pur chasers ibat the house will at any time bring one hundred pounds reol per annum terms made known on application to tne proprietor on ihe premise or lo w hthomp- m at the kent afreriu offlceit byletter pi pid m pnfm chatham f 29th 1858 -tf- doctor delany e27sqsu53 sbbaasn wiibr qmtil rotbr aqtica have his office in the tront private parlor of ma villa mansion entrance m williatn street bast of king he practices in chronic dlsesses and the distaset of woaten and children in par- licular asrearxett j p g aii am eq md geoaotmcooa fisqmd laie prof of surgery in the washington medical bollege baltimore md pitisbutgh pa chatham february 22nd 1850 411 new cabinet shop on colboene street ajwnia rtniiiltart swj3 a ll kinds nf fornitdre rncb at jed- a steads tables c u pboabds stands 4c can be bad on ihe mow rabkrm h ramsey chatham c feb ltb 1856 wiv ivw igmk commercial buildings iouth sidc of bumdas sirt 1 opositethemarket and lately erecud ba messrs mam lufk aosrarsr the subsckibkk would inform his old and numerous cuionra and fiirmls ibat be has agsin as2r- buasdtissata wiiiriur jtsrul hew slock t ijry goo gro he thsnk thera for past favors and hope in receive oitr m antl the plilic at large a u3eral 8ha of p the subscriber isdciermincd lo sell as ltw a puss*bie r a b jones london jan 7183 coaasa or jri av itrmta d wtemjwrraljm tippy to accornmodau tkoae drrttjnovejifctrl-lfci- eiy new tailoring establishment c w lawrence j9pbbs iraddadlb king stttekt east having recentlj removed bis tiift- iho etritusbhcnt lo the building bow oesufied twwi manlskos jjakvjefpeci lilly totlcitsa cutiuuaiiouoribai lloeral support wulcbba hat formerly received ai bi old tuatl from ibe citizens of chaihcm aad swrtouadiug couqtrjr qyrtli having ihe moat thorough toil prac tical aodertubdiog of ibe trade in til its branches bt it now preptred to cut fit aad finish men and boys clothing in the most approved and durable mtuoer and at elowertut y rrfairiat and bamnng dnuanoemeaf vral fbtdim aognsilo qm tut sit kinds at uuieal mtrchsailis ilwijs a ut oil pxioiji iiowfrei school books stationery novels and miscellaneout worln babiiis iicltanal dehar monthly flat of tmr unim brother jnathan lllustraud american newspaper frank leslies oazctu et ftssaim frank leslies tea yorlcjowrnal sea york picayune boston international journal yankee notions oiideys ladys book harpers magazine dc tyc aicuvmd as boob as pdl18hd cailiohc and protestant books ngiintrkbsntitjei fnun etl and oused tlb q30kbs riiac3 rta 1856 imiwmmnwm latest fahionablt styles of ladies dress poods piit me 9 ur uasrinieres urltansaipaoif pltmdrett 80k aichoftloi or pwiand oijjer g aad sguw shiiwl rlbbont muslin lien frock blares hsbiuvcttsapollta ricklnga denlngf drillingt sheeiing tjidother pnramc ooods odr cttstomtrt we keep oa hand a choice lot of teas coffee tobacco fc cf adrtrtofe americh slavaiyt ameriean t- 8olejhrii sunday 8can01 ffiaadian obnrcbm anil tn a hltionto the various instances -itur- of nk ihe mtfrtntri rtdb been noidrlobtlv ifiinwb rt nlirline it tot nc- rhfoftlkmcet lncrity snd latiir ibe following roof are ofeni i rev vv jays jttornlnf elcrcitea eprfr in rrthclrmrl b c ila and w pu an pltmdrett 8qkteh6mellot ofplail tnd other long and sguirr shawls ribbons mulln i trlmmlogs cambric anj boolemnslln unie leeves sewed mislin bandsqo mars ctpt i boaies bhein ettea linen and cambric handkrrchlpfn a gnorl tsovmn nfffn rr hsbiu vests iimljpolkwlldiesltndbwrrbnotsjindshotti and fur ihe convenience merchant tailoring we havejnow received aeomplete assortment of fall fe winter goods whicbupon inspection our customers will find superior to muting ever oiterwl in thi nnrket consisting of bne blaelt and fancy cloihsiviuieiian and mir ajiloocl*thscassimerp- lecrskins doeslrtns revyr able beavjr whitney millon lasco lionskin silislria siberian canada whitney andother pverddatncls dane pshs napwr danuian pcirsliam miied beavor qpdrior gry and treat ivarlc other coatings plainjad bordere rrqi i ti other tweeds- black arrffaher doeskin ojrasa and stripeddoes for pjuvfs freatli trowser jsltcrns- napoletp talkd dtlio wiolln cojjiiiaoiolht rlovser7tnqswomei and silk plush ricl velvet and sana vestiogs silk and satin vestshape uothcr vetjns wtlceepjnslantljjnljand a complete ao imtutjii vymade f plothfixg well cot and well made- suitable tor fall audi vvjljiter waar all of which wt can and wii mil as catir at int hoose in tbt district i stone 4tubnbull sfiveqrsixa6objovbseymen chaibam sept 3 185 so- ti ssrisi- sb- isabvillaibs cassimeres velveteens iitiikits iutwnu c ac c hardware and treacle am av deetmbr 1sss uie tiasaw i 33d uio mrs bjrley ati ss jaoksosj rrroh bij k hmjpnn jjl 383si ninkstreexteune catienru a pply of choice uerfc medicines ointments pills c vhl cb the will warrant- lo give satisfa ct iun tmonr which are the nervine cordial ibrthtcure or disrates depending on nervous cb ility rlbealteratlve forjudging ihe blood scrofula scurvy and the indian specific ointment tortiles old sores jprains bruises chilblains chapped skin teller salt rheam scald head frosted limbs sec give them a trial pailioelbphi i nov 20 1 855 30ly a owssalb m sg yhe subscriber offers for sale i choice selection of heavy and shelf hardware rlpilt ah shoe steel imont which wiii sc k0nn iron of every description cast blister sndsleigh cut wrought tnd horse nails coil trace and plough chains anvils vices and bellows an eiccllenl assortment nf table and pocket cdtlert carpenters joiners if cabinetmakers tooli e57rti1jldtlictitmo with an assortment of shelf hardware which is not lo be turpassed in town and which is offered for sale cheaper than ever for cass i ry buyers will find it to their advaotage to plrch oiige kerr chatham novw 1855 30 ly dot 53 awssskct sttdcks thesubs criberswould inlinate to their friends lhat ihey are rece iviuy and opening ouvan extensive assurtmcnl of -k9artlos- f superior quality suitable for country trade which tbey will sell ai the lowest remubirallve prices produce will 4c in tn exckmge for oreceria kjr call and see our slock r vanbranken co buitoncw dec 1i 1855- 3liy house and eot for sale all tbtt easterly part or lot st situated onmcoregorsrikbefngsiiiybyjbiy nine feel also a two siory fsamb housr consisting of two tenements having each four rooms and a closet there is an excellent well of water in ihe yard l3t for terms apply to kr mrs m steward on ihe premises north of king street between william and princess street ckatkamc if d istl- 31 n new livery stable the subscriber would inform the citizens of cmmam that be has removed bit liv ery slable to ibe cornerof king william streets whrt will t bund si ll um open and covered buggies good horses and steady 4hnyer8 if nctcttary charges will be as moderate as ibe limes will admit- raoiu art rtqru1 locsllao4taailti ih turnouts abraham rayno ctrtwm tt i iw lr i3rij the subscriber takes this opporlunity ol informing tliepeople o chatha m and surrounmig country thst he has laken dablisiiedsj withalargegtock of seasonedlumber kambsa tsaon ssctmit or he also lendersbis sincere thank- lo the poblic generally for their lilvrm supprm and hopes hi l i mr naironaat in lulure ul 1 tuck is comihilot th jcoilowing articles viz mahogany and walnut veneered buretus mahogany end watnutsbfas cane and spring seat parlor chairs dining jbreaksast and kitchen tables french cottage slerpentint- andpla bedsteads toilet work and wash stands also 1 stenid assobtmert or rocking windsor and childrens c2airs the best hancfactcbd in canaija cejxjilsbl satial3 -jaal3d- axd 0q siaiox4vbil al obdehs tbomttr arrended to tronc wishinir to buy furniture will find ii to their advantage lo tall on j examine ic t pefort purchasing elscwncrt i j o smith chatham december w 1855- 3s provincial house groceries i groceries the subscriber begs to annou he as recenily opened hta commodioos hon on fourth s announce thai new and commodioos hmre on fuuttsa street near tie depot chatham cm and he trusts that i rience in hotel keeping wiirenable him it give sawaclion to llie-travel- imr ccmtnniiyrytnd will spare no effort lo deserve and retnlrrilw-fe- piualion he has already gained of having nii inly ihe mosi pltasant locaiiiw but the best ac- commodationsiuaicaiibeobulned persons slonpins t th prn ml hmse can be acmmoffi ivith carriages on the shortest notice u persons arriving it nhaihatn will remember ihe prrinv hji in sigu of the dent a large and beautiful collage biuingsigi ol the brilish fit- h day 18 ij- g w brodie real estate agent general intelligence office fp0m a gcnrsl acquaintance and punctnnl auendan cc iotiiiiess we hope lo fncrit a liberal share of fjatronsge corner ofking and wiumm streets chatham iw iyjjctfii lwi august iftv i8u strances hotel fffth streft a gpiettcte kinrndf streets cia1 c atwood ifc jacksdx i hankful for ihe patronage ihejl have received from the cuneens of cnaibui usit environs beg ipay that they still coniinuc ia ihe grocery business loki m strtekv a few dims of the market hmse chatlum where they have constantly on hand a largt as4rlmenl of kb i 3 s3 s of ihe first qualiiy which whlbewld ou tbe most reasonable terms corn and exmniuejor yourselves before purchasing elsetcherc 12 sail provisions always on hand such ns hams shonlaws pitkttd pork fish fc 4 august 29ih i85 i9ly new grocery antl piuvision slorc andrewsiviith i returning ilranlnio th- piple for ihe very liberal support he hasrccknl begs lo an- uiunce lo liisficiiiis cuslomrs and the public generally thai he is receiving an 1 upening out a largo assortment ot groceries and provisions at his new stoile oft tic cerner of kins ovi william streets strnoers visltibr hi place wlirfitiii to meir advaiuage to call ai this lit ill bleng one of tbelargest and iti tbs most central posilion in the lovn the bst accomolaiuns on moaablc tents jh stranab ckaiham aug 23 1r55- 181 y 1 r0nunvn op sugars muldsscs giffie tn flour meal bulur ej gantues tobacco situff i- x rincr ouantitv or pickled pork and bacon constanllyori aj j3tipoiis taibe tov nn surrounding enumrv will ft d it lo their sdvantag- to call as ilicy willtteeommodaird on die most reasun- able lertusv fur cash chaihabi anttosl 30 ifi55 t y 3 mammon or cvetonnsplhe sin of i vwfuukekilrcb b itv joho hirlst p ft jj i atonement sod titlscatlon by aallat ij taonp 33i ri mhret ihejljko wiimtart thai tmlaulhrlwas t csliabhnt lrtiei on ilitffihiu an emitted tmi lie jmntee it fanieivp of ertracts torn ill partr t lhgtnloulvlmrd inlo nyslcmsllo l ktph 1 avt tl p rtttyitriesn of the hej tslftoi sain refirrred to in an article titl eolporiigla ihe eccleslatirsl recordat ihe free pretbjr- rlan church nf 0nadipnlijiai- w number iir janutr 1859 asoibt- q pcntge and ut aisas of ihe a tjact see its publication hume ernltali4 iti rife relieions book and tract joelctte including l mr tocl ie httibe vtrloot h ms cliurch d5uminflli in cai hold icllowhinor mmurciloo with ih- ai jr o slavery ciinrchei indjcfetlatj wnrnel to ti sra t wcthiidist hurch in caasda in ita ml lllraihip with lh prosit church tinliofthe vbi some of leader- membrs and even mijt b4jll4iiwhaeiklii cbuich of ctnatla in iih ciculafhiic age ot snd giving cretee by iis publlcttlons of the noted provlavgrr teria church o s ol ike v and its f bdam of fihlicailurial phia the regular bapiisu- inaa espiclnlininncraiil someuf jhi gattonal minlstetsof ctiaada fnslan hnry wlllin d d nf montieal i n aoi j t byrne ol wliijuyc natttl55ivith trre gatlbiiftl cjm litill3 vjcillaliug fellow now ay ltrr rs bkwna lfcvry editcatel mlrller of rellgna lcal la were lo prttise th b k- clii-tiun- hv john lawrence 3 nl rw6j- oayiun oilo ll4 p it tisat sin tit tli ellowship ufihe cntilian cbtba rereirci i wnilil lie lo cleirlvmrtn aad tojlr knnwlfilg- nl ibe que- liontif amriran slvry ohtaineil sealo ynn- xo i 8l nrsba am irlcan reforin traci silv at clarlnn i ohlti- tttrrifhuaut enurvanraiinlkglrie- amrflcan missionary a nelaiwlb b innnstrrei new voik shonki be a pstlcm t pannlisn chiiieli and rjliifious sweusr 1 anvlhig aainki ihe hin and syiem of r and ihernforp ihe yonih ol amerfca ale a4 instructed in auvihing uf tat iukjuliy by fts-pp- rnionsnfpulilicaiions brsijn ibe obj kn oiheruim picvioitl5alvriii shaliktife eyiic b- incotirtgett by mitiistersof itvinn ml students in the british province tf- aalia dsl tliejl- hhnns trarl frtv lanlcan furnish by a pure sdoree trrij fri- lay lltirary and ety book and trtci wkmi can welt i disiml for grntral rolportsge risers- liuns indinseinlnaltng a pure knowledge hy luthorily of christianity see ejtalogifevr long fiilio pages obtained at iheu c tratfi- cictys roums oronlo n s- a want ofstcrlint honrsft wri kirmrilfyklin ligiotis teachers and in ihrir pnilrn nuch mischief to enquiring and tnrrhfn and in ihe world and i a cum- lo cbriltmav j loth co of jesih christ j0ujutoh- straiford c w march 1 8 4si j see a ivetturmint ol a mlnlterrori itifl lists olpuljiiclion kovr 1855 j sassy jamrm mjma benjantln tolbeftf respetrtpully nnntnincm fnihttchhttu rdltkoil and t pablicfcoefuly njt he lias fct fitly filled ap be cumtttodir-i- nuiise funnerly knowo as ti wilsons boarding sotpif michigan arotve ojrpfisile c detroit v wlicre hs wllleiuliiviiiir id give rilfiiiiqtfi iboc who mar favour lihu with thdc patmmr detroit august 31 1853 fv t isy ib3ia93l3bb willlamrili bgs ro announce that be has onwan a boarpivq houss ai nos7430pth 1rtier truno niutt pmisduntufythtn b will acconmoale rcspciablt persoos psria- nently or ttanslemly wbo may knot uisamkk their patronage the llvise is cotnwfiaus ini in ffioi oralis anil ih- locution central and rntame v gr- si pjiiu will bcspiired llierelhrclove every satisfaction c i philadelphia oct 3jlh i i i gts cii clollics made repaifiij i vt l iiumburt would resprctfnlly announesju tens of windor and surronad ry ihst he is prepared lo makt or clean cloill g at ihcalwdmtwfce arid ia ihe mot saiislactury maanrkvalbniif bad amjila rxperience in his line ot biaefljltgla iheciiitsiifciiarlestun s c and birston matt he hitlers himself ihsl hr dilietue tt strict ailcnlion lo husiness he will be able to pltaaa wiudsorc w sept 9isjt m i- sv information wanted- john a murry itket this method of ascer taining the whrresbo an his pslher alfred merrv who lived wilb coloeel hbllensworih of hagermown maryland u s in the year 1835 snd came to canada where he it yet living any person having a knowledge of the locality ul mr marry will confer a great favor by addrat- ta- john a murry 1 0t bt oaftwlaes sllakspbarkbkstaditat ontaaio street sg- the ahvexstabtishment being niiiv in nropei ordihe proprietor is al ways preparedto seen mmodaie nny number ol ladies and gentlemen with i ffifflb8s2ei35j2 which will consitof the hot visnds tobetu nd in buffalo hamilton or toronto market dnrint the season he wjll havea consiint supplv the besl oysters nnd gamer ofail kind is season bssnikialosstkk sihoncc ways on hand meals can oc had from sir n clock in the mining till vidnifhl and ciaalts of the hesljuatitv dinnerand other psnie ran he nppllerl with evsrylhing suitable nb wrj moderate terms iric families can atsf l sorred vilh game oysters fc prepsred in the teslstyle luncheons timpli cii can had at the restatuanl in a private room of th proprietor wilt alw anideavonr so toctler lo the wanlsof hl cufldmersra irrtnerli tboirttetdy aupportind patronage clark thomas ft at r paxlcepi viiwi fciiiuue ry store gr brodie 4 jr sterritt takes ibis meibchl oflorinimtnecnenius puli lhat wo have bought the well known and reputable pork bacon and grocery store of mr thos bell w willcon tinurlokcepconsianilynn hand the the best qnality air in the shove line ol our bnsl ne and hope to eire satisfaction to all who mav laror us with a call l ooitxbr of kino and wiiluh eft bbkt eifaarah c w r aunst 15h 185 8u take notice 4 ww i mo or iptrsooa tctjjalnted wiih homas uulltams nt lmutiriltc axjtj wrld rijti r mlislaciinn lo hi father by vriiing io he provincial freeotan office chii- ham c thomas i williams some vers past kvehhihchabmhn clemarfpt lis vlllc ti bumetvlng mr coleman wen to milshors pa bulrfler thentssage of the p i- tv blae act he csmi- in canada since ch rtm- ibtve not been tb to learn kit r iioddts wilsos- vtijti tniti w ajik- t j house and lai cmjujfi 553 ib if x 208 ox- j rt3ir sir jr iljti ohatsam y j- enquire of f g mjehfc- kins srcel near he riyid kxrhaiie shi i ito jffit l- a q003 chance ij for a snug home building lots for sale is tiir village of barst bnitto im tuk crvnr or rm n r3orovipt leqclqctt nmbh tx five three or one aer low with immediate posssssiox the land is dry nnd rici anmlljr- cleared ihe iinailon pleasam tnd ktlhy with ihe itreai adnntac f having- a ciorehaa school close by and bolh oodrrihitkjlefcos an i foleiliircarr of the reverent wftfjknjk which fhrt alone would be cotitlilerrfw ny hi he thc rciest indncmenl this locality pot- sses al a new sawmni in full oprrsllba the prices of these lsts are moderatenaf term c titiib ibtptal all doihis in rrsjarrl to which can erttjalt on application lo w was vtctsi ewuire uirristerallak piienix bisk king chatham vst p fother partlcolsr- m io lksrflts and terms apply to mr a h goi j buxton who will show the prtfttty orthepropritior- qrocer fmt stvt mm f si li v-



Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON: Mary Ann Shadd Cary (October 9, 1823 – June 5, 1893)), July 12, 1856, p. 3 (2024)


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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.